Nobunaga’s Ambition portraits and their real life inspirations (Oda Clan)

Nobunaga’s Ambition portraits and their real life inspirations (Oda Clan)

I’m actually surprised that I haven’t see anyone done this yet, there are a few available in Japanese but none in English as far as I can tell.

This video seems a little bit short since a lot of the Oda officers ended up being the Toyotomi’s, which will have their own video later. The big man, Nobunaga himself, also doesn’t seem to have his designs drew inspirations from any old drawings or statues so he’s completely absent from this video. I also didn’t bother researching officers with mugshot portraits since that’d be too much work without guarantee result

Music used:
清斬、旧きを払い – Purify, pay off the old (Nobunaga’s Ambition: Shinsei’s Oda Clan’s theme song)

While researching for materials for the video, I came across this site that has a lot of Ukiyo-e drawings so I’d thought I’d share it here too:

